TyloHelo Infrared Cabins > Relax and Detox
Fast assembly with no tools—with wall panels mounted onto an easy-fit base and topped with easy-fit ceiling panel. Prefabricated wall panels, benches and floor in clear Hemlock—for a sauna with “furniture quality”. The exterior surfaces are finished with biodegradable wood treatment—for a more luxurious look and for ease of maintenance. The CarbonFlex® infrared heaters, integral with wall panels, with heater surface area and wattage designed to give even, enveloping heat on all sides.
Is the symbol of love and of life itself; with its penetration power, which is the highest of all colours; it is recommended for treatment of impeded circulation, muscles and heart. It generates enthusiasm, arouses passion and has a cheering effect.

Is a clear purifying colour, which stimulates clarity of intellect, as well as toxin processing and elimination. It can help with learning disabilities and with strengthening of the endocrine functions.
Is a cooling, sedating colour, which helps reduce swelling of joints and tissues; it calms the body and helps reduce inflammation. It’s the colour of the relaxed heart

Is the colour for mental relaxation and tackling embedded
psychological barriers. It acts as a tonifier and can help regulate imbalances in the lung and large intestine system. It is a colour that facilitates spiritual growth.
Is a cooling, sedating colour, which helps reduce swelling of joints and tissues; it calms the body and helps reduce inflammation. It’s the colour of the relaxed heart

Promotes awareness and consciousness. It increases effects of meditation. It promotes proper functioning of the lymphatic system and is a very helpful in times of menopause. It is the colour for neutralizing emotional wounds and for spiritual growth.