Swimming pools
Quality of the water in swimming pools

Quality of the water in swimming pools

If your pool isn’t properly maintained, the pool’s water could be contaminated by microbiological organisms (microbes), which include protozoa, viruses and bacteria. These microbes could cause gastroenteritis, and ear, nose and throat infections.

Inspecting your pool regularly is crucial to ensure the water is safe to swim in. The easiest method of doing this is to examine the collection daily and ensure that you do the following:

Does the water appear clean?

Do you have a clear picture of what lies at the bottom of the pool?

Does the water look different from the way it was yesterday?

Any changes, such as cloudiness, mean you have to inspect whether the water is changing and take action to improve your water quality before swimming.

Contaminants found in swimming pools

The possible sources of microbes that might be in your water be:

It is a well-known spot for swimming. It is the main food source for microbes.

Pets are like dogs. Some pets love splashing in the water during hot summer days.

Dead wildlife, such as lizards, frogs, or even insects, may drown in your pool.

The dirt on the property is comprised of leaves, grass and dust.

Swimming pool in Abu Dhabi

Maintaining the pool

The five key elements to sustaining your water’s quality that flows through your pool include

  1. chlorination
  2. pH level
  3. Total Alkalinity (TA)
  4. Calcium hardness.
  5. Swimming pool filtering

The water in the pool is circulated through a filter to remove particles and dirt. The length of time you’ll require for this process will depend on the size of the collection and the capacity of your pump. If you’re uncertain, it is best to consult the manufacturer or talk with a specialist who is knowledgeable about pool maintenance.

Most pool filters aren’t equipped to remove all the water from the pool. Chlorination is an infectious and efficient treatment commonly used in conjunction with filtration systems to eliminate bacteria in the water. Unfortunately, the best-maintained pools rely on a variety of barriers to treatment.

Chlorination in swimming pool chlorination

Chlorine is a chemical which cleans water and assists in the elimination of particles. Using a stabilizer for chloride is recommended to extend the chlorine’s half-life. The longer the process runs, the shorter time is needed. The same is true for chlorine. as much chlorine is used during your day-to-day routine, you’ll need to wait for the cycle to end.

Be aware that the requirements for chlorine may depend on various variables, such as the filter and pump system, the temperature of your water, levels as well as dirt content and the number of people that swim in your pool.

How pH is the waters in the swimming pool

The pH value is the acidity or alkaline level in water at any given time. A pH of 7 means that the water has a neutral pH. Anything over seven indicates that your water’s pH is high. Anything below seven suggests it’s alkaline, and anything below 7 shows acidity. The ideal pH is between 7 and 7.6. If the pH of the water is higher than 8, any swimmer can be prone to skin irritations. If the pH is less than seven could irritate the eyes of swimmers.

Various elements that can alter the pH of your swimming pool are the frequent rainfall, the number of swimmers that swim around the water and using chemicals. Thus, it is essential to observe the pH levels regularly.

Swimming pools that are completely alkalinized

Total alkalinity refers to the complete alkaline chemical composition of your water. If the alkalinity in your drinking water is insufficient, the pH balance could be unstable. Paint and concrete surfaces could as well degrade over time. Both the pH and alkalinity total are connected. So raising the total alkalinity may raise the pH. Make sure you don’t alter the pH of your swimming pool by adjusting the total alkalinity or reverse.

The calcium hardness is present in the swimming pool’s water

The amount of calcium hardness is the amount of calcium that is present inside the swimming pool. Insufficient calcium levels could cause the surface of swimming pools to be damaged and equipment, while high levels of calcium may leave a’scum’ scale on surfaces and equipment.

Ask a pool expert to learn more about how to keep the quality of the water in your pool. Methods to ensure quality include:

It checks the levels of chlorine and pH each day. It is suggested to check this before the initial swimming session in the day to ensure that the quality of the water doesn’t change throughout the night.

We check the chlorine and pH levels at least once in hot temperatures.

It monitors the chlorine levels in heated pools, which require more chlorine than pools that aren’t heated.

You are brushing and cleaning your swimming pool frequently.

Check the pumps regularly, the skimmer box, and other pool equipment, and replace or restore the parts according to the needs.

Problems with shared swimming pools were resolved.

The pool maintenance specialist or your supplier of pool chemicals will suggest other joint problems, like algae, faeces, or the unpleasant scent of chlorine in your pool.

Algae in the pool

Algae are single-celled bacteria that can grow under the proper conditions. They can transform the pool’s water within a few hours. Chlorine can slow the growth of algae. Talk to a pool specialist for suggestions on how to combat algae.

Use a brush and garden hose to remove algae from the pool’s surface. The next day, wash the algae that accumulated on the pool floor. Please do not attempt to eliminate it by using filters. Instead, you should check your pH level, the TA and the calcium hardness before deciding whether or not you’d like to allow anyone to take a dip.

Faeces in the pool

Children in their early years may suffer the occurrence of a faecal odour while swimming. The first step is to ensure that everyone is removed from the pool. Then, you can use an edge scoop to eliminate the most excrement. If the waste isn’t too large, It’s well worth washing and draining. If not, include an extremely high-concentration (10 mg/L) chlorine dosage in the pool. Ensure no one is allowed to enter the collection for longer than an hour.

Verify that chlorine levels have dropped to normal levels before allowing anyone to go back into the pool.

It is a strong chlorine scent. It is common in swimming pools.

A strong chlorine smell can be harmful to the eyes or nose as well as the skin. Contrary to what people think, the reality is that it’s not as many chlorine molecules that cause the smell. However, it’s not so much. A lack of chlorine can trigger the creation of the chloramine compound. These compounds give off an unpleasant odour that can irritate. So if your swimming pool is emitting the smell of strong perfume, check the chlorine levels to determine if you need to add more chlorine.

Tips for pool chemicals: Safety tips to ensure safety in the pool

Chemicals in the swimming pool can be dangerous if not properly handled. Some tips include:

Keep all substances from your collection separate from other chemicals, and keep them in a dry, ideal place.

Keep your chemicals out of your pool in the same area as other chemicals or substances that ignite, such as alcohol, gasoline detergents, or other chemicals.
Be sure to use the chemicals only as directed.

Don’t mix chemicals. Mixing different types of chloride (such as granular and liquid) could cause an explosion.

To prevent splashing chemicals to avoid splashing them, you should mix them with water and not in reverse.

Don’t mix a mixture of water and chemicals mix.

If you’ve been splashed with water, wash your clothes immediately and wash your face thoroughly using plenty of water.

What can I do to get assistance?

Atlantic Pools & Fountains L.L.C Tel. +971 4 340 7787

Chemicals for pool chemicals
Companies that offer maintenance of pools
Pool Maintenance Guide in Abu Dhabi , Pool Maintenance Abu Dhabi



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